About us

Royal Fine Art Commission Trust

The Royal Fine Art Commission Trust is a registered UK charity that was set up in 1987 to promote design excellence in architecture and the built environment. Over the past thirty years, the Trust has sought to promote visual awareness and public appreciation of high-quality design, for example through educational initiatives, publishing books and occasional papers, organising lectures and seminars and a national architecture award. Today it advances its charitable objectives through commentary on design matters, by undertaking or commissioning relevant research and by partnering projects where its involvement can add value. You can learn more about the work of the Royal Fine Art Commission Trust at www.rfact.uk

School of Education, BATH SPA UNIVERSITY

Bath Spa University’s (BSU) School of Education is a leader in the field of education, nationally and internationally, and has been educating future teachers for over 70 years. Rated OFSTED ‘Outstanding’ for our teacher education provision, we work in partnership with 400+ individual schools, including Multi-Academy Trusts schools, Teaching School Alliances, Diocesan Board schools, as well as a wide range of Early Years settings. Together, we are committed to training the next generation of outstanding educationalist to support the achievement for all children and young people. In close collaboration with our partners, we educate over 500 new teachers each year, and we are the largest teacher education provider in the South West.

Working alongside government organisations and sector bodies, and informed by cutting-edge research and critical thinking, the School of Education aims to influence national developments and embed strong values into education systems, in ways that will have wide-spread and long-lasting impact. Furthermore, we develop high-impact resources for the sector and we provide professional development opportunities directly to schools nationwide. For more information about Bath Spa University you can visit: https://www.bathspa.ac.uk/schools/education/